Tuesday, December 18, 2012


I suggest keeping your cantaloupe on the counter for several days to let it ripen before you cut it.  Putting it near bananas or pears and in a warmer spot (like by a sunny window) will also help it ripen.  When a cantaloupe is ripe, the stem area should be soft (not mushy) and the cantaloupe should smell ripe.

When you buy cantaloupe at the store, the rind is usually really hard = not ripe.  When a cantaloupe is ripe, there should be some give when you push against the outside - it may even leave a small indentation. I actually wait for the cantaloupe to have one or two indentations around the rind before I refrigerate it.  Then, after refrigerating, I wait another 2-3 days (in other words, I don't usually cut my cantaloupe until a week after buying it).  In my experience, the cantaloupes always ripen and taste better in the summer - but most fruit does! :)  

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